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Coaching for government communications professionals

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Coaching & training

Coaching for government communications professionals

Build your confidence and competence, expand your leadership influence, and elevate your worth as a credible and trusted communications advisor.

Are you a communications professional who wants to:

  • build your knowledge and skills across diverse strategic communications competency areas?
  • become a more confident and credible communications advisor?
  • increase your influence among peers and in the boardroom?
  • develop your personal communication skills?
  • elevate your professional standing in your industry?
  • have your value recognised and paid what you’re worth?
  • accelerate career success?

Then the Elevate mentoring and coaching program for communications professionals will benefit you.

Topics can include:

  • addressing a marketing, public relations or communication challenge
  • cultivating a strong personal brand
  • building knowledge in communications strategy, media relations, advocacy, speech writing, publications or any other topic
  • crafting purpose, vision, mission and core values statements
  • crafting compelling stories, messages or value propositions
  • developing a communications business plan
  • understanding your personal communication style and how to adapt it to communicate more effectively with others 
  • delivering presentations with confidence
  • or any other communication topic of importance to you.

Request the brochure



Ros has an absolute wealth of knowledge and passion for communications, I could not help but leave the session feeling energized, inspired and ready to tackle new challenges using the insights and principles that we had discussed. I wish everyone in my team could have this experience!

Emma Williams
City of Ballarat

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